Bodypsalm for the earth

Posted in BODYPSALMS on March 17th, 2011 by Celeste

Rebecca Lux Parks, Celeste Snowber: site-specific dance work, Hawaii, 2011


The earth is shaking within its core
and our cores in turn are shaken
now is the season to wake up
from the inside out
proclaim the interconnection
to all living beings –
neighbors near and far
sun, stars, sea, plants and plankton
and most of all
the fertile earth
which both gives and takes away

May we return to humility
where humus, humans and humor are born
and taste the mystery and beauty
beneath our feet and bellies

May our limbs stretch to the sky
our soles/souls kiss the ground
and may hope soak
our minds and bodies
through changes of weather
both of the heart and land

May we bear grace in our bones
and be rebodied to the truth –
our flesh is the earth
and the earth is our flesh

May compassion arise from our well
as we return to the fire of love
which has the capacity
to hold more than we know.

Photo of Rebecca Lux Parks and Celeste Snowber by Gary Bandzmer.

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Bodypsalm for Valentine’s Day

Posted in BODYPSALMS on February 12th, 2011 by Celeste

One size fits all by Dobee Snowber

Now is the time to love yourself
the way you’ve loved others
with fire so bright you can crease the sky

Be a kiss to your sweet self
take yourself out at home for valentines day

Be the love that you have given
you may or may not have a sweetheart
 what is important
is that you are a sweet heart
you are love in many colours –
tears are love – joy is love
meals are love–resilience is love
and so live boldly &  creatively
in this paradoxical passage of being human

Dance on the skin of time
caress  wildness & tenderness
Witness the ripeness of your own heart
this is no sappy pink
but the passion of deep being
broken open in your body 

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Bodypsalm for the New Year

Posted in BODYPSALMS on January 4th, 2011 by Celeste

Out Any Window                            Dobee Snowber


The New Year is not outside you
inside is a thousand new years
built of syllables and sentences
of a new way of seeing

It is not the weight on your body you need to lose
but the thoughts which carry far more gravity
than any pounds or kilos of extra flesh
you are being called
to a flesh of heart – a heart of flesh
where body, mind & soul
usher you to a season of compassion

for everything and everyone
you could imagine or not imagine
your own unmet expectations and judgements
unfinished projects and dashed hopes
your untidy home or heart

Now is the time to eat and drink
the small beauties within and beyond you
become wide awake to the life you are in
so take off your socks or put on your socks
and step into this New Year
with the only life you have.

Live the glorious imperfect.


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Bodypsalm for Savoring

Posted in BODYPSALMS on November 29th, 2010 by Celeste

Enough is Enough
it is way too much doing, thinking, producing
and thinking about doing more when it may
be time to do less
be less, lessen and here is the lesson
You have already produced more beauty,
generosity and work through one creative endeavor
or another for several lifetimes
not to mention children you have raised, parents you have attended to
gardens you have planted, literally and metaphorically
and brought more people, projects and passions to ripening
than can be counted
you are past counting
and now it is time to be countless
and perhaps be a countess

Relax into a place of knowing
that you have already done enough
and now is the time to


Savor all the ways you have worked with your whole heart
and loved with your whole heart:
mothers, fathers, siblings, friends, children, lovers, spouses and
even those who have left your life through natural or unnatural causes

Accept all your luxurious beauty of soulfulness that has wrapped
around those you hold in your heart
and all the efforts you have made to follow meaning
in the world through work, words, worries and wantings

Vibrate with all that is going through you –
the rise and fall of internal waves
crashes of questions
hormonal fluctuations in a sea of ripenings

Own both your shortcomings and accomplishments
which means to name and rename who you truly are
and what you have done
don’t dismiss it in light of living into the unknown
Others own all your wonder, it is time for you to own it too

Relinquish the need to be superwoman or superman
have a funeral for doing too much
and celebrate not doing in some way
Enjoy being and know you are being formed into a wise one

You are being called to drink from the cup of serene
Each gesture is an act of love
a counteraction to a world of overdoing
an addiction to doing one more thing

when all along
the love in your eyes
the way you behold
who and what you love
is the fragrance of
the One who gave
the beautiful scent
of you.

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Bodypsalm for Financial Worries

Posted in BODYPSALMS on November 8th, 2010 by Celeste

Go back to your priorities.
Don’t focus on the resources you don’t have.
Focus on the creative unfolding.
Nourish this every day.
Tend it as a newly born child.
Sometimes you have to go back again and give your self
the milk of what lies within you – the heart of wider love.
Accessing this love is a continual exercise in daily compassion
And most of all – be gentle with all your decisions.
You have done the best you can with the limits you have had.
Now is the time to have grace towards all your limits.
This is the time to trust in the One
larger than yourself and more importantly –
than in your own circumstances that seem insurmountable.
They are just details, not larger than
what can be accomplished by you compared to the ant.
When you keep focusing on the problem you get the problem magnified.
It is time to focus on the wonder.
Wonder begets wonder.
You are rich in experience, friendships, and surrounded by love
not to mention the muted light caressing the ground beneath you
You might not have planted maples, oaks or cedars
but they are rising from the earth wherever you peek.
You don’t always have to plant the seed to savor its beauty.
You have planted other seeds –
nourishing others with the seeds of imagination.
Sprout outrageously
has been your method of teaching and it is contagious.
These wonders do not reveal themselves in monetary value
releasing you from financial worries.
You have planted joy and there is not a price on joy.
It reproduces as a wild orchid growing on the side of the road.
There are such flowers of wild untamed beauty
Remember this:
It is in the noticing where the extraordinary life lies.

Celeste Snowber
March 27, 2009

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Bodypsalm for ThanksBeing

Posted in BODYPSALMS on October 9th, 2010 by Celeste

Blue shadows

Let go of expectations
how life should unfold
or how many pounds is ideal
for your perfect weight,
footwear, friends, food, family, finances
all the shoulds rolled into one  BIG  s h o u l d

Throw all the shoulds out
put them in the recycling bin
transform into another object
and OBJECT as a verb
instead of count objects

This is the wisdom for gratitude
nothing ever turns out as you think
it is always different— worse & more magnificent
 than you might imagine

Live with VERBS
Gratitude is not a one time act, a date on the calendar
it is a way of living
that  gives life back to yourself
giving in thanks
thanks in giving
thinking as thanking

Stop and and smell, taste, see, and touch
what beauty lies
at the table within and before you

Find the outrageous love of being alive
without tasks or agendas done
open your sternum and chest
get ready for the mystery that awaits

Be in gratitude for what you seldom notice

Dance your way into the next step
which calls us to 
not give thanks
but  be thanks.

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Bodypsalm for Ease

Posted in BODYPSALMS on September 7th, 2010 by Celeste

Pursue ease.
as a guiding principle
live with simplicity and clarity
cultivate more space in your life

Observe how you take such pleasure
in open expanse  –
geographies of sea and lakes
rocks and seaweed jetting out into low tide
the meeting of water and sky
the space between
what is solid and what is air

What you are drawn to outwardly
teaches you everything
about your inward leanings
the visual feast before your eyes
is a scent of the life you yearn for
rhythms of lapping waves are the rhythms of
your own life which nourish you
seasons of change are the canvas
of your emotional terrain
painting across your soul

You may be compressed on many sides
responsibilities can enhance and devour your life
Allow a horizon in your world
you need more than a slit of light
you require splashes everywhere
color infusing and interrupting
the rituals of daily activity
Bring on the oranges and yellows
in the midst of dark greens
reds in the midst of night black

Your love of the natural world
reveals your deepest longing
Honor all textures in the journey
The unexpected, the uninvited
each has its purpose:
nourishment, reflection, expanded living

Invoke spaces of reprieve
within acts of doing
rest in moments of pause
and know that each sip of beauty
in creation’s hand is
an invitation into ease.

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Bodypsalm for Re-Knitting a Life

Posted in BODYPSALMS, Videos on August 24th, 2010 by Celeste

You are being re-knitted from the inside out
the beauty of the threads within you
are invisible yet are luminescent
to the art of a soulful life

Honor all the textures of your years
the memories, losses, joys, forgotten secrets
which have shaped your innermost being
each color, hue and thread is knitted into your story
and formed the uniqueness of you

In this (w)holy place
there is an aesthetic of randomness
borne through the living place of creation
each child in the universe
is woven into the fabric of the larger story
the story whose name is
rewritten to
the place where we are known
and know

Embrace your doubts
as you do knots in the fabric
Caress your losses
as openings to honor the depths

Re-Knit your life
to the landscape of cherishing
each fragment you live through
this is the material for sweetness
your body-spirit made visible
in all the ways you honor
the fibers of the collective
story we knit together
into wonder.

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Bodypsalm for Thirst

Posted in BODYPSALMS, Videos on August 23rd, 2010 by Celeste

Notice the texture
of your own yearning
listen for its tone
its shape, the circular
feel of how you are called
back again and again
to its mouth

The inner waters beckon you
they have as much expanse
as the open sea you adore
Be/loved in the breath
which holds you in an embrace
and waits as a patient lover

Rest you anxious one
and find home
in the elements within and without
wind, ocean, stone and sky
reach towards you
as your skin touches
the lip of creation

Listen for the stillness
in the gestures of your heart
and let your belly
usher you into the
crevices of your wisdom

Embrace shadow and light
both reside within you
they are partners in a dance
and form the constellations
of your inner landscape

Trust the salt of your own life
and know paradox is at your feet
and stars of wonder
release from your palms

Tread softly on the terrain
of this journey of being human
and return home
to the thirst within you
it is drawing you always
to the reservoir
where you can drink
oceans of love
and each small movement
is an invitation
to letting BE

Take these morsels
which are given
these are your wings
from which you stand
and which you rise.

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Bodypsalm for Living into Paradox

Posted in BODYPSALMS on August 12th, 2010 by Celeste

Welcome back to the familiar
the land of the perplexed
where paradox reigns
and heart, mind, and body
are not in sync with
harmony, congruence or flow
and no matter how diligent
you are to reflect,
problem solve, brainstorm or bodystorm
it sits as a big mountain
in front of you
and cannot be climbed with bare feet

you are in the terrain of paradox
the geography of the unknown
where the brittleness of bone
lives amongst the stars
your task is to breathe deep
into the place you are perplexed

Take shoes for the journey
these aren’t any shoes
but these are your dancing shoes
the ones that look like sneakers
but have a support for your arch

Life holds continual
places of dissonance
it doesn’t matter the source:
disappointment or sorrows
with relationships, health or finances
Know this:  P A R A D O X
will always be there
singing at the door
waiting for you to

Put your dancing shoes on
give yourself the support you need
a bigger arch for life
and treat paradox as your partner
hold it tenderly
romance her and put your
arms around the dilemmas
soften your relationship
towards not knowing.

Breathe into uncertainty
knowing this is the
essence of life
and when it comes
know you are invited
once again into
the spirituality of practice:
loving-kindness towards
all that is not resolved
in your heart.

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