Bodypsalm for the fruitful dark

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on November 2nd, 2012 by Celeste

Daphne –  Strategies for Surviving Series (2012) by Dobee Snowber

Dare to live in the fruitful dark
where what you know
as wisdom and truth
is still entering  your bones
seeping into your pores
but  monkey mind
prevents the deep release
to accept what is

The fruitful dark
knows no time schedules
has its own winter
where the riotous roots of joy
are being steeped underground
hibernating in the folds of your body

You are more afraid of your projections
than what is truly real
feel each inch of sorrow
make friends with broken dreams
and wait for the larger dream
for your soul’s purpose
to be brought forth

Darkness and light are lovers
companions for the journey
become intimate with the night
and know your only task
is to stay with and
a b i d e
in the fruitful dark.

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Bodypsalm for ThanksBeing

Posted in BODYPSALMS on October 9th, 2010 by Celeste

Blue shadows

Let go of expectations
how life should unfold
or how many pounds is ideal
for your perfect weight,
footwear, friends, food, family, finances
all the shoulds rolled into one  BIG  s h o u l d

Throw all the shoulds out
put them in the recycling bin
transform into another object
and OBJECT as a verb
instead of count objects

This is the wisdom for gratitude
nothing ever turns out as you think
it is always different— worse & more magnificent
 than you might imagine

Live with VERBS
Gratitude is not a one time act, a date on the calendar
it is a way of living
that  gives life back to yourself
giving in thanks
thanks in giving
thinking as thanking

Stop and and smell, taste, see, and touch
what beauty lies
at the table within and before you

Find the outrageous love of being alive
without tasks or agendas done
open your sternum and chest
get ready for the mystery that awaits

Be in gratitude for what you seldom notice

Dance your way into the next step
which calls us to 
not give thanks
but  be thanks.

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