Bodypsalm for not-knowing

You know what you know
what is it that you don’t know
the delicious place of unforeseen
this is the call to living as in improvisation

you may yearn for a sense of security
the familiarity of what is known
but it is the unfamiliar which
holds the exotic
you don’t have to travel
to a tropical climate
or leave the country

the unknown is a bed of petals
anticipating your arrival
waiting for your agreement
to make peace with the unpredictable
asking you to soften
into a different destination

you have departed from the known
and you are on the runway of new starts
here are no forgotten wings
only material to glide

this is the province of trust
s i m p l y
s e r e n e l y
s o f t l y
s e n s u o u s l y
a riot of color
for the life you are living
and who you are becoming.

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