Bodypsalm for an Easter Life

Posted in BODYPSALMS on April 8th, 2012 by Celeste
"Kick to the Left" by Dobee Snowber

“Kick to the Left” by Dobee Snowber

Bodypsalm for Raw Joy

Don’t look for Easter outside you
it is within you
the outrageous birth of new life
is inside, under the ground
erupting through your body
enlivening your tissues

Resurrection is not a restricted zone
it is the lungs of your life
you are birthed anew each day
Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ
this is not a one-time event
but breathes inside you each moment
spring asks
to look within and
pay attention to Spirit

Look at the faithfulness of new growth
even in the midst of a world
aching with troubles and tribulations
ecological cries and the haunts of war
the plants and trees still bud
the call to new life
p e r s i s t s

You live in a riparian zone
between the worlds
of earth and heaven
the gift of life in this body
beckons you to
an easter life
where you feed
on raw joy.


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Bodypsalm for Waiting

Posted in LINKS on March 22nd, 2010 by Celeste

dsnowber waitingAFTER GLOW by Dobee Snowber

Even when we don’t desire it God is ripening.  Rilke

There are many seasons
each has its own texture of waiting
when the season arrives you know

When the rains or first snow descends
you do not look for
your bathing suit or take out
the box of gloves and winter hats
when the burning sun reveals her face

It just is – and all the waiting
for the season does not
help its commencement
it is a quiet knowing
the state of weather changes

So it is with the art of waiting
a long arc of patience
fueled from within
the well of not knowing
a resting in the unknown
trusting in the timing
for all ripenings.

You cannot rush the tomato’s growth
if  picked before its time
the bold red juice will not split open
surrender to the duration of your own  growth

Not all things grow in the same time or cycle
nor does any human being grow in the same fashion
physically or inwardly
There are some seasons in life
that have made their way with you
and others you are still living

in the in-between of waiting
is a fertile riparian zone
an edge which is the center

When one ripening comes
another will need to come
waves of birth, death and renewal.

Relationships too have their own timing
of comings and goings, but always
it is about your own ripening
that Beloved is concerned with.

Trust in your own inner journey
know your soul is being wooed to the depths

 Embrace the rhythm of your own spiritual path
the advent of waiting is an avenue for joy
and patience is a return to
a long inward glance of the great silence
which holds all things.

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