Bodypsalm to allow for the fallow

Posted in BODYPSALMS on January 3rd, 2019 by Celeste

Artwork  “New Chapter” by Dobee Snowber

The present moment offers
inner immensity
through times of transition.

Let yourself be astonished
when you are halted
to a moment of wonder
when your old routine dissolves

Release your sinews through all –

hope, loss and comfort

Know the creative life
calls for another order

Allow for the fallow
circle back to the quiet

deep within your body
wooing you
to a new chapter.

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Bodypsalm for Veriditas

Posted in BODYPSALMS on September 18th, 2016 by Celeste
in the UBC Botanical Garden, Vancouver

Acer Davidii Bark in the UBC Botanical Garden

A found poem from Hildegard of Bingen’s words in the 12th c.

Your light cannot be contained by space
You are a shadow of the Living Light
no depth, height, or breadth can hold you

You hold us, radiant one
I shutter in your midst


awakening and greening
all that lives
glittering, glistening, luminous
You stir everything into quickness
dying and rising in everyday life
Here is Fecundity

You are
a fiery life in the essence of God
the flame above the beauty in fields
You shine in the waters
burn in the sun, moon, stars

What a miracle
to be awake
inside your breathing.

May we be kissed
by you
in our innermost regions.

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Bodypsalm for Christmas

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on December 19th, 2012 by Celeste

Be dressed in the presence
of Christ within you
however you believe
or articulate your place on earth
and connection to the numinous
may this season of craziness
where everything one values
is turned upside down –
return to what matters


into the space

of incarnation
where word became flesh
and dwelt among you
and in you

the light within you
is greater than any shadow
even though you and I as babes
were formed in the dark of the womb
we are born into light

May this season
uncover tiny spaces
to be clothed once again
in the wider knowing
you shine from the inside out
and are held from the inside out

in emptying is fullness
and small gestures of kindness
and your presence
is Christmas gone wild

here is the fierce beauty
romancing you
to peace.

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Bodypsalm for the fruitful dark

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on November 2nd, 2012 by Celeste

Daphne –  Strategies for Surviving Series (2012) by Dobee Snowber

Dare to live in the fruitful dark
where what you know
as wisdom and truth
is still entering  your bones
seeping into your pores
but  monkey mind
prevents the deep release
to accept what is

The fruitful dark
knows no time schedules
has its own winter
where the riotous roots of joy
are being steeped underground
hibernating in the folds of your body

You are more afraid of your projections
than what is truly real
feel each inch of sorrow
make friends with broken dreams
and wait for the larger dream
for your soul’s purpose
to be brought forth

Darkness and light are lovers
companions for the journey
become intimate with the night
and know your only task
is to stay with and
a b i d e
in the fruitful dark.

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