Bodypsalm to Dare to Create

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on November 16th, 2017 by Celeste

Artwork (Transitions I) by Dobee Snowber

Write what you dare not write
create what you dare not create
places hidden in your bones
where longing and aches reside
 your dreams long to arrive
to be massaged to birth

Throw your critic out
let it reach into the recycling bin
where it transforms to compost
for the wonder of your own stories
honour your tears, joys and disappointments
only mourn for not showing up
for your deep truth and beauty
where health and wholeness
celebrate each thread of life

Listen to the impulses of your fingers
 agitation in your feet
 spread wide your toes
to touch ground and sky
the garment of your own yearning

This is yoga toes for writing
living, breathing into the unknown
Let your discomfort
be a sign that you are going
where you have not gone –
an all inclusive to what is possible

Show compassion towards yourself
 fall free to the winter
of your own passage
 know you are called
to only be real to whom you are
This alone is enough.