Bodypsalm for small rebirths

Posted in BODYPSALMS on July 2nd, 2012 by Celeste

You have been struggling in the mud

through the soil of your own life

whether it is disappointment, loss, letting go

or the passage of loved ones to the next realm


You are blooming over an eternal season

shooting up from the swamp of circumstance

and petals rising

pristine and clear

from the leaves of your own heart

You keep waiting for the Big Rebirth

but in reality it is a series

of small rebirths

tiny flowers

claiming the space within you

Take note

behold small beauties

of how you glisten

and loosen to what grows

inside your new garden

You are becoming a lotus

in due time

but the lotus cannot see itself

you too cannot always see

the extravagant arising

Take heart

for here in the muck

are the seeds

for your new life.