Bodypsalm for Veriditas

Posted in BODYPSALMS on September 18th, 2016 by Celeste
in the UBC Botanical Garden, Vancouver

Acer Davidii Bark in the UBC Botanical Garden

A found poem from Hildegard of Bingen’s words in the 12th c.

Your light cannot be contained by space
You are a shadow of the Living Light
no depth, height, or breadth can hold you

You hold us, radiant one
I shutter in your midst


awakening and greening
all that lives
glittering, glistening, luminous
You stir everything into quickness
dying and rising in everyday life
Here is Fecundity

You are
a fiery life in the essence of God
the flame above the beauty in fields
You shine in the waters
burn in the sun, moon, stars

What a miracle
to be awake
inside your breathing.

May we be kissed
by you
in our innermost regions.

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Bodypsalm for Writing from the Body

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on November 25th, 2015 by Celeste
Image by Dobee Snowber

“You CAN have it all”  by Dobee Snowber

Call back your body to the page
the pulse, breath and passion
residing in your cells
sitting on your skin
waiting to come forth
from pores to words

Know each sensation
is syllables of the belly
even agitation is a comma
each heartbeat is the rhythm
yearning to articulate
through the muscles of your fingers

Let physicality take you
to the studio within
where stories are ancient and primal
and love them all into being
here lies the hymns of your body
pronouncing themselves
to respect each flutter and fragrance of your senses

This is more than common sense
but body sense
the paints for your canvas
notes for your song
movements for your dance
bold creation awaits
you are your body
and your body wants a voice.

Bodypsalm for Guidance

Posted in BODYPSALMS on November 11th, 2015 by Celeste

infinite embrace photo

Photo “Infinite Embrace” by Wendy Wagner

You are being held
in a wider embrace
one more ancient
than your own understanding

There is a knowledge
beneath knowing
a perception beneath perceiving
older than the stars
is primordial presence
undergirding your roots

You are being guided
more than you comprehend
more than your eyes can see
your heart can grasp

Trust in the essence of things
beneath the bare beauty
of light and dark
and know
the Great I Am
is with you.

Bodypsalm for Creating in the Cracks of Life

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on May 14th, 2015 by Celeste

Art Work by Dobee Snowber

Full Size Render by Dobee Snowber

Living boldly cannot be contained
presence asks to be listened to
drawn, danced, desired
in the cracks of life
if one waits to create ~
time will be finite

Seize the moment
for each second calls forth new colors
textures and poems, songs and stories
to break forth from the splits
in our busy schedules
of comings and goings, pick ups and drop offs,
emails and calls & important agendas

Create in the now
in small beauties
where ten minutes can transform a day
a turn of the heart towards art
is all it takes to see
again for the first time
and hear symphonies in birdsong
movements in waterfall

The pulsing body within you
asks for new hues in your life
break open the oranges and purples
celebrate green and yellows
let scars be imprints of soul
interruptions be compositions of wonder

Create in the cracks
and here lies words and worlds
the autobiography of clouds
formations of spirit
split into
one more possibility.

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Bodypsalm for Intuitives

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on February 3rd, 2015 by Celeste
Shadowplay by Dobee Snowber

Shadow Play
by Dobee Snowber

there are worlds beyond the one
you live in
beneath you in the magma
beside you in the wind
inside you in dreams

layers exist within the archaeology
of your heart’s knowing
sometimes it only takes a drop
of truth which resonates
to remember there is another way

where the answer to issues
is not another meeting
or change of direction, drive or data
but a turning to the inward pool of
an intuitive’s call

the researcher may look for data
but there is a data of the body
spiritsongs of the cells
beckoning the child in you
to come alive

there is a physical core one needs to stand
but an internal core
will light you through the shadows
break you into humility
and glow beyond
what is known

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Bodypsalm for Remembering back the Body

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on November 14th, 2014 by Celeste


“Burst 1 by Dobee Snowber”

Remember back the body
flames in the belly
calling one to live
as each day is the first and the last
Your life is a precious
entity of cells and blood
quirks and sentences of glory

Remember back the passion
don’t let the awe
slip from your fingers
toes, hips, pelvis and voice
Draw back into presence your own calling
for what you are meant to do and be
on this glorious planet
coupled with the paradox of terror and beauty

It is not only the earth
which needs greening
but your own precious soul
sometimes lost in the meetings, emails or laundry.

Door revised 1 by Dobee Snowber

“Door Revised 1” by Dobee Snowber

Remember back all of you
messy and unpredictable
veins pulsing with a hopefulness
to thirst for more.
Hunger is your spiritual director
Coming in all forms –
discontent or agitation

Press on to what is nudging you
breathing you back into
inhabiting your own body

The calling of your life
lies at the door
waiting for you.

Bodypsalm for Lingering in the Questions

Posted in BODYPSALMS on October 18th, 2014 by Celeste
Artwork by Dobee Snowber

“Something about Fish and Bicycles”  Dobee Snowber

There is the pace of external circumstances
and then the pace of your internal life
running through you
at a different speed
calling you to attention
to linger in a time
where you catch the twilight
pouring into your window
and ride the heartbeat
of your own path

What would it mean to stop
the madness of rushing
or answering every email
in record time or finding the answer
to all the questions

What ever happened
to remaining in the questions
going for a bicycle ride
without a destination
swimming for the sake of swimming
questioning for the sake of questioning
and loving the process
of just breathing and living
without the answers?

Honor the tiny shifts
in a life where magic unfolds
incrementally and slowly
take kindness to your heart
and choose to relish in
in the questions.

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Bodypsalm for Lifelines

Posted in BODYPSALMS on September 19th, 2014 by Celeste

hanging by a thread  12x12

“Hanging by a Thread” by Dobee Snowber

Follow the threads of your life

which announce joy

a deep resonance

for who you were meant to be

when every bone, tissue, cell and fibre

of your being

says YES all over again

to why you are here

what you are meant for

It can be simple as a gesture of love

or a glance at a falling leaf

or a pen to page

or limb to dance

Follow the small and large visions

placed in your heart

burning in your skin

the subtle impulses

and bold pulls of what you are called to

Let your deep gladness make friends

with the world’s ache

and never forget what calls you to joy

These are the lifelines

not the deadlines which seduce

but the lines which wait for you

as a patient lover

always hoping you will be drawn

back to the passion

of your dreams

Each thread is a line, a curve, a map

to your delicious life

that wants to be lived

through you.

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Bodypsalm for Marriage

Posted in BODYPSALMS on August 8th, 2014 by Celeste


You are becoming a union of two bodysouls

 a marriage of two solitudes

who remain alone and together

both unique and magnificent

in your individual ways, gifts, personalities, and wills

who flourish in the act of being together

both lovingly and consciously

a duo of longings where flesh and spirit meet.

You are a bouquet of many colors

writing new sentences in the world

for what it means to be whole

in the cup of romance

and companions in this co-creation

writing partnership, which sings in dusk and dawn.

May you know the delight

of each syllable in your lives

as you join in making stories of wonder.

May the wind guide you on this passage

where the deeper love between you

has more expanse than you know.

You have been preparing for this union for decades

and NOW is your time to surrender daily

to the beauty between you

where one and one makes more than two

and you dance together as equal partners.

R e m e m b e r

as you navigate your new journey

you will be sustained on the sails of joy.

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Bodypsalm for Creativity

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on February 16th, 2014 by Celeste
Art by Dobee Snowber

“Intermix”  by Dobee Snowber

Art is a faithful lover
wooing us back each time
the missletoe of life
begging for a kiss
calling forth our attention.

Art always waits to be
caressed, loved into being
imagination is the great foreplay
union with the creative force
asks no more than this ~

make me
play with me
put my skin on
dwell in my terrain
a playground for the body and spirit
fingers and hips
words and notes

Be kissed with the star of creation
let go of any expectations
where I will take you
and prance with abandon
I can be trusted
and will not disappoint
always wait for you
as a patient lover
seeking to be born
over and over again
through your flesh
in your cells
with your tissues.

by Dobee Snowber

“Call it inbetween” by Dobee Snowber

You never know
what I will bring
and when the surprises
of disruption and birth
will be announced in your life

This is not a clean
straightforward path
but a spiral geography
turning from one curve to another
radical spurts of joy
spiced with tears
will moisten
the raw canvas of creation.

So take your pen and paintbrush
hands, feet, voice, and belly
and let me slow dance with you
to form the visible – the audible
from the invisible
and know this~
the act of creating
e n d u r e s.

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