Bodypsalm for Existence

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on April 28th, 2020 by Celeste

Artwork – “Shift in Direction” by Dobee Snowber

In a time of distancing
retreat to the interior
wake to existence
imbued with birdsong.

Underneath the visible
lies a wellspring of reserve
bordering the invisible.

Drink the nectar
sweet liquid of the infinite
where the soul can blossom.

Even in the midst of sorrow
inside our deepest yearnings
we are pollinated by love.

Imperfect prayers
nested in the body
are a portal to the holy.

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Bodypsalm for Intuitives

Posted in BODYPSALMS, LINKS on February 3rd, 2015 by Celeste
Shadowplay by Dobee Snowber

Shadow Play
by Dobee Snowber

there are worlds beyond the one
you live in
beneath you in the magma
beside you in the wind
inside you in dreams

layers exist within the archaeology
of your heart’s knowing
sometimes it only takes a drop
of truth which resonates
to remember there is another way

where the answer to issues
is not another meeting
or change of direction, drive or data
but a turning to the inward pool of
an intuitive’s call

the researcher may look for data
but there is a data of the body
spiritsongs of the cells
beckoning the child in you
to come alive

there is a physical core one needs to stand
but an internal core
will light you through the shadows
break you into humility
and glow beyond
what is known

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Bodypsalm for Lifelines

Posted in BODYPSALMS on September 19th, 2014 by Celeste

hanging by a thread  12x12

“Hanging by a Thread” by Dobee Snowber

Follow the threads of your life

which announce joy

a deep resonance

for who you were meant to be

when every bone, tissue, cell and fibre

of your being

says YES all over again

to why you are here

what you are meant for

It can be simple as a gesture of love

or a glance at a falling leaf

or a pen to page

or limb to dance

Follow the small and large visions

placed in your heart

burning in your skin

the subtle impulses

and bold pulls of what you are called to

Let your deep gladness make friends

with the world’s ache

and never forget what calls you to joy

These are the lifelines

not the deadlines which seduce

but the lines which wait for you

as a patient lover

always hoping you will be drawn

back to the passion

of your dreams

Each thread is a line, a curve, a map

to your delicious life

that wants to be lived

through you.

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