Bodypsalm for the Subtle

There is a vast universe
awaiting in the subtle
qualities of texture and hints
of an afternoon breeze
and the marks on your hand
the unfolding of an hour of silence
scents of wild roses in spring
morning shadows dancing on the wall
mist and fog become a welcome adagio
to the space between mountains
crossing your path with a slice of tenderness

Dare to take notice to the infinite
wrapped in the inconsequential
the tiny moments that emerge
let emptying be a spiritual practice
the listening of rain
an act of ecstatic hearing
a rush of fresh air in the lungs
a tango of breath

Meet the dried branch
with a new hospitality
every object has its wonder
in the essence of imperfection
Celebrate the natural order
the essence of things
and lie down in the meadow
of your own worries
and let the stillness of night
speak to your heart.

Know there is another way
working beneath the grand schemes of your life
uncontainable as the mist at sea
guiding you in a new season
where what is perceived as small
has capacity to move mountains